10th Annual Dancing Like a Star Benefit Saturday, February 1, 2020 Pasquerilla Conference Center 301…
Hygiene Product Drive
As we head into the Holiday Season of 2019, Beginnings, Inc. is looking at helping those in our community who truly need. Recently, we have identified a need among the families we serve, and others in our community, for some basic hygiene products. We are asking for the public’s help with this endeavor. We are currently seeking donations of basic hygiene products such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, body wash, shampoo, soap, etc. that we will then distribute to those in need. You can drop off any donations of these items at our office at 111 Market Street, downtown Johnstown. If you have any questions about our Hygiene Product Drive, or would like to arrange a drop-off, please contact Brianna at 814-539-1919 or by email at blivingston@beginningsinc.org |