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PACT (Parent and Child Together) Playgroup Copy Copy

Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings

PACT (Parent and Child Together) Playgroup Copy

Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings


Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings


Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings

Used Book Sale

2018 BEGINNINGS, INC. USED BOOK SALE September 14 - 10 am to 7 pm September 15 - 10 am to 5 pm September 16 - Noon to 4 pm We currently have 725 boxes of books for the sale!


Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings


Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings


Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings


Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings

CASA Cornhole Tournament

Join Cambria/Somerset CASA for Cornhole for a cause! We are a hosting a double elimination, winner take all cornhole tournament at Jim & Jimmie's on Somerset Pike. Registration fee will be $40 per two person team. All tournament participants are welcome to a buffet, provided courtesy of Jim & Jimmies! Registration will open at 1PM…


Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings


Structured Socialization Fun & Hands-on Reinforces All Areas of Development Stimulating Learning by Doing Includes Caregivers in Play For children of all abilities Birth-age 5 & their siblings

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