What is PACT?
Parent and Child Together (PACT) is a program that brings children together, along with their parents and siblings, for a two-hour socialization experience in small group play and interaction. In the group, children learn to make choices, make new friends, and take turns. They create with paint, play dough, glue, blocks, music, and other fun activities. They learn simple routines and rules of play. They gain independence in taking care of themselves (washing hands before snacks and putting toys away). They grow, play, and have fun. Parents benefit from sharing experiences with other parents.
Who can participate?
- All families participating in Beginnings’ Early Intervention programs
- All families participating in Beginnings’ Parents as Teachers program
- Participants of Nurse Family Partnership
To register call 814-244-9530 or email nfitzgerald@beginningsinc.org
Check out the PACT Facebook page for pictures and updates!
PACT Sessions